“The broadest, and maybe the most meaningful definition of volunteering: doing more than you have to because you want to, in a cause you consider good”
– Ivan Scheier
Literacy Now Cowichan’s cause is Adult Basic Education. Watch this video to understand more about the importance of adult education…
1. Call our office at 250-597-1776 and book an appointment with Isabelle, the volunteer coordinator. Bring your resume if you have one.
2. During the meeting, you will get a tour of the learning centre and learn what we do at Literacy Now Cowichan. You’ll have a chance to talk about your skills and past work and volunteer experience.
3. All our volunteers need a criminal record check through the RCMP (can be done online).
4. After completing these steps, you’ll be able to start your tutor training.
Our volunteer tutors receive 20 to 25 hours of initial training and continue their learning as needed with in-house workshops and educational resources. The tutor coordinator provides extra support to ensure a positive experience for the volunteer tutor and their learner.
• Volunteers have a sense of accomplishment through the joy and success they bring to their learners’ life.
• They become part of a team.
• They can get a letter of reference and have something to add to their resume.
• They learn more by teaching what they know.
• Volunteers are the backbone of our organization. For this reason, we make sure we regularly demonstrate our appreciation by setting aside some fun time for them.
What Our Volunteers Say
Broadens my knowledge
“[Tutoring] broadens my knowledge of electronics and different electronics. And I meet interesting people.”
— Anton
Very rewarding
“For many years in journalism words were the tools of my trade, and I wanted to be able to use that experience in retirement. Literacy tutoring is a perfect way to do that. It’s very easy to hibernate when you’re retired. I know many colleagues who did exactly that. Wanting to avoid that, I looked for something useful to do, and tutoring fills that need very well.
Tutoring is very rewarding. It is wonderful to see a learner suddenly grasp a language concept that they should have learned in school, but never did.”
— David
I feel joy for them
“English learners have told me they were more able to listen to news, talk on the phone, write memos at work, do job interviews, stand up to fraud, read a good novel, chat with co-workers, and meet with their kid’s teacher.
When English learners find their lives better, I feel joy for them.”
— Suzanne
Good relaxed atmosphere and good resources
“A wonderful attitude of the learners. Having an environment where you can respond to that.”
— Larry